I’m Ninna Thorarinsdottir, a child culture designer and illustrator with 13 years experience of working in the fields of illustration, graphic, motion and toy design.

If you have any questions or requests please contact me at: ninna_at_ninna.is

ninna, thorarinsdottir, Þórarinsdóttir, photo


Monki (SE), Smithsonian (USA), Conservation Centers for Species Survival (USA), Borgarbókasafnið (IS), Icelandic Craft and Design (IS), Van Gogh Museum (NL), Time Out (NL), Unfold (NL), Coachella Art and Music Festival (USA), Icelandair hotels (IS), ENNEMM (IS), Uluru (NL),
Raddisshme (CN), WX-design (CN), Brad Gotfred (USA), Katy Palfrey (USA), Lumisokea (NL), Studio Irene (NL), Arash and Kelly Design Studio (UK), KAIZO (UK), Spunky Sprout (USA), Namsgagnastofnun (IS), Skima (IS), Lára Rúnars (IS), Bloodgroup (IS), Spiral dance group (IS), Félag Vöru- og Iðnhönnuða (IS)

Work featured in print

Shapeshifters (2010) by Page One publishing,Experimental Pattern (2010) by Jackie Herald, Sex in Design (2007) by Tectum Publishers, Stijlkrant (2005) by Stijlinstituut, Frame (2004), ICON (2010), A4 (2007), Rojo (2006), Addict (2007), On Office (2010), Elle Wonen (2004)


Lundakast (IS 2019), Plaster Festival (PL 2018), Sköpun bernskunnar (IS 2018), Endurteikning (IS 2018), Léttur í Lunda (IS 2017), Museum of Imagination and fun things (IS 2017), Betri Reykjavik (IS 2017), Geimverur (IS 2017), Minjaverur (IS 2016), Vættir (IS 2016), Memory – Eggplantcollective (DE 2015), Ofurhetur í daglegu amstri (IS 2015), Wild reindeers of Iceland (IS 2014), Pictoplasma (DE 2014), Phobophobia (IS 2012), Westfjord artfest (IS 1212), Samsuða/Concoction (Reykjavik 1012), Viðundrin (Reykjavik 2011), Ninnundrin (Akureyri 2011), Attikatti hönnunarmars (Reykjavik 2011), Ideosyncratic (NL 2010), Fashion Week (NL 2010), Palais Paradiso (NL 2010), Salon de Milan (IT 2007 & 2010), Dutch Design week (NL 2006 & 2010), Late at Tate (UK 2009), Kinetic Art Fair (UK 2009), The Family of form (NL 2008), Superstore (NL 2007), Kvika (IS 2007), NanoNuFestival (BE 2007),100% Design (NL 2004)

Work featured online

Vogue, Gettyimages, ABC News, Daily News, New York Post, Daily Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Spits and Telegraph and more.