Arndís – The doll

Toy June 16, 2019

For the last few months I´ve been working with SKB (children with cancer association) on making a new doll for them, to give to children with cancer.

illustrations, doll, toydesign, skb, cancerdoll

The first prototype arrived today and I´m extremely happy with the outcome. He/ she has no name, for it should be without gender. I hope that shows trough with the choose of colours and the different headpieces.

illustrations, doll, toydesign, skb, cancerdoll

illustrations, doll, toydesign, skb, cancerdoll
The first homemade prototypes.

Lundakast / Puffin throw at Children´s Culture Festival 2019

Event, Exhibition, Game Design, Toy, Workshop April 12, 2019

Léttur í Lunda or Light as a Puffin is a collaboration project between me and designer Hanna Jónsdóttir.


Light as a Puffin had it´s annual games of puffin throw at the Reykjavík Town Hall.


We had lots of fun guests and received quite a few fantastic new game ideas. Big thanx to everybody that came and played with us.

icelandic kids playing puffin throw  a icelandic game in Ráðhús Reykjavíkur on barnamenningarhátíð

Work in Progress

Exhibition, Workshop April 7, 2019

I joined a fantastic workshop called Work in Progress, that is a workshop for professional illustrators helt as a part of the children’s book festival; Litteralund in Lund, Sweden. litteralund, wip workshop, lund, sweden
We had the best time and amazing workshop leaders; Maisie Paradise Shearring, Sara Lundberg, Joohee Yoon and my all time favorite Bernardo P. Carvalho from Planeta Tangerina. The workshop ended with a little exhibition of the work we did during that time.
litteralund, wip workshop, lund, sweden

Stories of Zeta; Woolen socks in Christmas snow

Exhibition, Freelance, Illustration December 1, 2018

zeta, woolensocks, christmasstory, christmasillustration, christmastree, christmaslights

The first (of hopefully many) story of Zeta written by Eva Thorgeirsdottir is coming out this December 😀
It is called “Woolen Socks in Christmas Snow” and it’s about this little creature called Zeta and her adventures. The story is in the form of a christmas calendar, so everyday a new window opens with a part of the story and a illustration. Today it’s the 1st of December. You can follow the story from the Reykjavik Library website; or at Gerðuberg exhibition hall.